Child Developement
What to Consider When Buying a Baby Cot
If you're buying a baby cot, you're probably a first-time parent. Here's some pointers to help you orient yourself as you decide to buy this baby essential. Once you know what your needs are, take a look at our Baby Cot Buying Guide to check out some brands we compared.
It's incredibly easy to get carried away with cute cribs and beautiful baskets, but reality check- they are good for only a few precious months! Thus, we suggest that you go for durability. If in doubt, you can also consider buying second hand. Considering many babies refuse to sleep in the cot, this may be a more cost effective way to find out. However, do replace mattress for hygiene reasons!
If you prefer to buy this item after touching and feeling it in person, go to a baby hyper store or baby fair or make a trip to the showroom before you decide to buy.
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